Many women, having learned that they will soon become mothers, immediately wonder what they can do during pregnancy, and what pregnant women are strictly forbidden for pregnant women.
Well, of course, everyone perfectly understands that in the first place it is impossible to abuse bad habits, and for the entire pregnancy of them it is best to abandon at all. But besides this there are a number of other prohibitions that also need to be observed.
Here we should divide all the prohibitions for pregnant women into two parts – into those prohibitions that the doctor recommends for those that have developed traditionally and are more superstitious prohibitions. However, often many pregnant women believe more in folk prohibitions than the prohibition of a specialist doctor, good that most often these prohibitions converge in the idea.
Here you can choose a baby stroller for the future baby, but many will advise you to buy a stroller, a crib, or a thing for a newborn before the birth of a child. But such a ban can be neglected if you are not superstitious.
But neglect the prohibition of lifting severity during pregnancy is not worth. It is also worth forgetting about your favorite active sports during pregnancy, at least for a certain period of time you should forget about cycling, runs in the morning and evenings, climbing.
Try to eat foods with dyes, preservatives as little as possible, and sugar substitutes in your house should generally be banned, they are so harmful to the future baby.
Forget for a while and about the solarium, sauna, bath and strong coffee.