Wedding ring

Wedding ring

After the wedding, all wedding attributes will be removed far into the box. But the engagement ring, always wakes up with you, constantly and everywhere. And you have to approach his choice very carefully. Men more often prefer classic engagement rings. But the bride can choose absolutely any engagement ring, because on the day of the wedding all dreams should come true.

Choosing a wedding ring, rely on the style of your clothes, let it complement your wardrobe. Remember also that on thin, fragile fingers, a thin neat ring will look better, and on the fingers of a larger size it will be better to look a larger ring with a stone.

You can choose just a smooth ring, or a ring with a stone. Buy the same for the bride and groom, or with the same design elements, or pick up completely different rings to each other.

The ring itself can be both of gold, or from platinum, or from silver, and even from titanium.

The width of the ring is chosen depending on the size of the finger and the desire of its owner. Men usually buy rings with a width of 5-6 mm, women usually choose rings thinner.

Remember that you have to go with a wedding ring all your life and it is important that it is not tired of it in a month, choose the ring thoroughly, the one that you like the most, then the ring in which you will not doubt.