Honey is an indispensable component in masks designed for dry, oily and linening skin. We will consider the most effective and, along with this, simple recipes to restore each of the listed skin types in the shortest possible time.
Dry skin honey recipes.
• Honey is mixed in equal parts with olive oil and heats up in a water bath to room temperature. The resulting composition is distributed on a napkin and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour, after which the face is wetted with a napkin and wiped with a non -spire tonic.
• In the morning, your face can be treated with a mask prepared from cottage cheese, milk and honey, for which take the listed ingredients in equal parts, mix them thoroughly and distribute evenly on your face.
• Heat milk, add a spoonful of honey, yolk and a small slice of black rye bread to it. Mix the resulting mass until a uniform mixture is formed and pour the vitamin A ampoule into it (oil). The mask is ready for application to the face.
• Mix honey, cream and yolk in equal proportions, and apply the resulting mixture to the face.
• We take in equal parts and mix honey, olive oil, two tablespoons of cream and vitamin E. Mix this composition and hold a third of the hour on the face, then wash off.
Wagging skin honey recipes.
In equal proportions, mix the following ingredients: oatmeal and honey, add a teaspoon of water and tea brewing, and put this composition in a water bath for 15 minutes, and then apply it to the skin.
Little honey recipes for oily skin.
• We make a mask of oatmeal, honey, egg protein, lemon juice. Next, pour the milk a little and stir the mixture until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
• Using a coffee grinder, turn oatmeal into flour, and add egg white with honey, after which we knead the dough from the resulting mass and apply it to the face.
• egg yolks (2 pcs.) It is necessary to beat, having previously added a spoonful of honey, a few drops of almond oil and slightly oatmeal flour.
All of the above masks containing honey allow the skin to acquire a beautiful healthy look, to save it from dryness and peeling. Every woman who wants to look great is simply obliged to try a honey mask (of course, if she does not have an allergy to this component).