The fifth month of pregnancy

The fifth month of pregnancy

The fifth month of pregnancy is practically the middle of pregnancy. What is happening and how the baby develops?

Seventeenth week of pregnancy. The size of the baby corresponds to the size of the fist of the mother. The heart of the fetus works in enhanced mode, because it pumps up to 1 liter of blood. This week, the formation of the immune system is completed. The baby’s head is covered with the first hair.

Eighteenth week of pregnancy. This week, the baby has barely noticeable nails on his fingers. Baby and mother make up a single whole, if the mommy is sad, then the baby experiences something similar. He studies himself and the world around him.

The fifth month of pregnancy is a great time to relax by the clock. If the fifth month has fallen for the summer months, then this is a great opportunity to combine pleasant with useful. You can go to the dacha with the whole family. While your relatives will plant, you can enjoy fresh air. To facilitate the work of your beloved relatives, you can purchase motor blocks of prices for which you will pleasantly surprise you.

Nineteenth week of pregnancy. The weight of the child is a little less than 200 g. This week the baby becomes particularly active. The baby’s immune system begins to respond to allergens. This week, the mommy will feel the first movements.

The twentieth week of pregnancy. The growth of the baby is 20 cm, and the weight is already more than 200 g. The kid is already able to play with his hands and umbilical cord, touch the face. His facial expressions are already developed, and he can smile in response to communicating with him mom and daddy. He already distinguishes the voices of mom and dad perfectly. The child begins the formation of spatial orientation, this is due to the development of the brain.