What is included in sexual education? Sexual education is the cultivation of self -awareness in a child by a man or woman. This stage lasts more than one year, but by three years the baby clearly attributes himself, maybe sometimes not quite correctly, to one of the sexes. At this age, sometimes a little later, phrases like: “Boys can be watched by terrible films, so I watch, but girls can’t”, “Girls know how to play dolls, and you are a boy, you won’t play dolls”, etc. D. This is the education of the ability to behave based on their gender. Sexual education includes the presentation of certain information about sexuality.
How old is to start talking with a child about “this”?As soon as the baby has some kind of curiosity in this direction. Usually one of the first questions: where do the children come from? You need to maintain any questions on this topic and not be afraid of them. The child will still find out many answers, but they can be in a perverted form. Usually up to five years you will get your first question about this.
What should a preschooler know about the sexual side of life?
Names of female and male genital organs; Where the children come from; Why does mom buy gaskets; Why do mom and dad kiss.
Where do the children come from? The time of storks and cabbage has long passed. Our kids appear differently. Prepare for this issue in advance. All information must be issued dosed. Typically, the answer to this question, asked for the first time: from the tummy of mom. Having lived a little more on the ground, the baby begins to be interested further: and how I got out of there? Sometimes suits the answer: I was born, I was taken to the hospital, and the doctors helped you be born. Even later, you can tell further: born through a special hole in women – vagina. The preschooler must know that the baby develops in the mother’s tummy after the dad’s seed gets there.
What is sex? Our son brought this word from the kindergarten and, frankly, I was not ready to talk about the sex of four -year -old peanuts, but I had to. Tell us that sex is intended only for adults who love each other. They kiss each other and hug one to give pleasure. After that, kids are sometimes born. The kid must see a gentle relationship between parents, their kisses, stroking each other. We can say that this is part of sex.
Sexual education of a child – sexual safety
Do not forget about another important moment. In this matter, you definitely cannot wait for a preschooler to ask about it. This is sexual safety. It is necessary to talk about this more than once, but systematically, so that the baby clearly absorbs some important things. Explain to the baby that-no one can show your genitals, except for doctors, all the more you can not let them touch them;-if someone is forced to show the genitals or touch it, you need to run away and call for help.
There are now many books for preschoolers, younger schoolchildren and adolescents on the topic of sex education. If you do not have enough words to explain something to the baby, read the book “About this” with him. Usually they have good pictures and a simple story language.
Sexual education is one of the important components of the child’s education. You need to be open with the baby, give him information on time until he was informed by television and the street. Protect it also from unnecessary premature and complete information, which can lead to mental disorders.