Life on autopilot who owns your life

Life on autopilot who owns your life

In the first part, I spoke about the subconscious, or the unconscious part of our being. But that’s not all ..

Our thinking also controls our life, but only partly. Why? Because most of the thoughts come from the subconscious, t. e. From the main center of our existence, our life. It is very easy to check.

Try not to think about anything for 5-10 minutes. It will not work, thoughts begin to appear in the head by themselves. Often the most diverse and not related. Then some kind of song will be remembered, spinning on the radio recently, then the thought of a new car, then about repair, but you never know what. Appear and disappear, kick each other and t. D. But thoughts will pop up from nowhere, from our subconscious.

But thoughts have the properties of materializing. They become part of our lives. As I said earlier, our subconscious is a terrible attic, or a basement, to whom it is convenient. But this is a landfill of all sorts of things. Our ups and downs, mistakes and victories, disappointment and success imposed by society, and much more. Complete mess, chaos and randomness. And all this mass is constantly in a certain Brownian movement. The subconscious mind makes us doubt, get angry, be afraid, or maybe even make illegal actions perform. Perform irrational acts. It leads a constant internal dialogue, gives rise to chaotic thinking and judgments, the chaotic meaning of life.

And we can only control part of this chaos and mess. Only about 10%. We actually control in about 10 cases of our life out of 100!

The only type of person who can control most of his own life is a conscious person who got rid of most of the influence of the subconscious (unconscious), both his own and collective. But it is not possible to manage your own life 100%, just as it is impossible to embrace the immense. It is impossible to manage everyone. And it is obvious that without the influence of the subconscious we will get a gray life. And this is definitely not necessary.

But exactly the following, you need to look for a way out of this situation, a way out of a mess and a mess, imposed by thinking and subconscious. However, only the thinking is not enough to change. And the real results may not bring. Life management does not begin with a change in thinking. As long as there is a huge subconscious, attempts to establish everything will crash, it will not be possible to prevail over chaotic thoughts. In this struggle, you can forget for what it began. We need to clean the “basement” or “attic”. Make a real reboot of our “computer”. More precisely, format the “Winchester”.

But since the mechanical friend will not work.

It is necessary gradually, the brick behind the brick is unloaded what exists in the unconscious – – the sector of consciousness, the sector of the site controlled by you. Much is buried in the subconscious, and you have to reanimate it. You need to get your attention and open it for real reality. It is this moment that will fully realize the reality. Be aware of what is happening here and now, and not in the backyard of the subconscious. This will release abilities and skills. Will allow them to develop, as well as study new. After all, the more you know, the more you do not know. The path to managing your life, to success, to financial independence, is possible through the full (well, or most of) purification of your nature from the influence of the subconscious, which has been accumulated over many years.

It will not work differently.

This is a long and painstaking work, but quite appropriate. And the sooner it start, the earlier the opportunity to achieve your goals will appear, success will come before. Remove the old, unnecessary trash from your life, and start with a clean sheet.

Good luck.