Household question in marriage or how much you can ask you to fix the crane in the kitchen

Household question in marriage or how much you can ask you to fix the crane in the kitchen

Psychologists say that romance in an average marriage persists in the first three years. At the end of this period, only rare couples manage to preserve the original thrill and maintain a love fervor in each other. Life and solving everyday small issues “eat” the thrill that arises at the very beginning of the relationship.

Questions who and with what regularity should wash the dishes, cook food, repair cranes, vacuum, water flowers, pay for the phone, collect bed and so on, it is better to stipulate from the very beginning. Ideal if both parties do this. However, if the wife feels that gradually these tasks fall entirely on her shoulders, provided that she works the full day, as well as her husband, the circle of family duties is better to stipulate and distinguish between. It is great if the issue of repairing the crane is resolved by the challenge of the plumbing. Then a woman does not have to constantly turn to her husband and bother him with the question: how much can you ask you to fix the crane in the kitchen? After all, a constant reminder of such problems does not add romance to the relationship, but only bothers and can turn into sabotage from the spouse.

One of the main principles of building harmonious relations is mutual assistance. It is she who allows you to avoid discomfort in family life from household trifles and does not give a reason to appear mutual insults, dissatisfaction with each other and other. Ideally, a man is a minister, and a woman is the guardian of the hearth. However, in the modern world, everything has changed so much that women often work and earn as much as the spouse, and if their shoulders still fall on the duties of the house, this inevitably leads to dissatisfaction and resentment.

To avoid reproaches, you can even distribute the responsibilities evenly at the very beginning. For example, the husband takes the children to school, takes out the garbage, purchases products, repairs the leaky taps, walks with the dog, and the wife cooks food, helps children with lessons, takes them in the section, etc. D. Some responsibilities can be done jointly: cleaning in the house on Saturdays in the morning, buying clothes and so on. Perhaps for some couples it will be useful to fix these agreements on paper and come up with (of course, with a share of humor) “punishment” for non -compliance.

You can agree on everything. The main thing is that there is desire and love.