Growth process in children

Growth process in children

Children grow very quickly, because the time for parents is rapidly rushing forward. Yesterday, the babies are getting married today, and the disruptions who, it would seem, played a couple of days ago in the “catch -up”, may need to diagnose gonorrhea in children.

However, all this is only visibility, because in fact children have a strict framework when they have active processes of growth and development. Most people begin to grow from birth to the end of the puberty period. In general, the child’s growth is almost completely dependent on heredity, because the influence of other factors does not occupy a large figure of 10%. There are three growth periods in total. The very first is infancy. The younger the child, the faster he has a growth process. For example, in the first year of life, the child grows on average by 25 centimeters, in the second by 11, and in the third only childhood begins when the growth slows down. This is the longest period. It is during this period that the skeleton and musculoskeletal apparatus of the child is most actively developing. In the last puberty, an active surge in the growth of a child is also observed, which will marked his complete formation by an adult, since in this period the child begins to work correctly and all secondary sexual characteristics begin to work properly. Growth during the last period depends on sex hormones, which in turn depend on the work of the entire hormonal system of a person.

Human height depends on the growth hormone – the most important hormone, which stands out with us only in the first half of our life, in childhood itself. If everything is in order with the hormone, then the child is likely to be the same height as his parent is the same as he is gender. But do not forget that genetics is not predictable.