Dear parents, I think you definitely thought about this issue. If you belong to the category of busy parents who earn money and strive to satisfy at work, then this topic should be relevant for you. Yes, undoubtedly, we should not forget that there are preschool institutions, but how can one not remember that it is very difficult to get into the state kindergarten, that there are constant queues. Then there is another way out, you can contact a private kindergarten. There is a significant difference between a frequent kindergarten and a nanny in Kyiv. So you pay, money is also engaged in the garden not only with your child, and the nanny all the time devotes only to your baby. Governesses are taken to the agency only with pedagogical education. The most important thing, of course. Contact a specialized agency, which has an appropriate license for the implementation of these services. We also need recommendations for the nanny you are interested in. You can always clarify what skills should governess possess. After all, there is always the opportunity to hire not only a person with a pedagogical education, but also with medical. You can talk about knowledge of foreign languages in advance. In fact, the range of services provided by such agencies is very large. This option is very suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to leave a child with grandparents, you never know what situations are found in life. In fact, many are afraid to leave your child with some unknown aunt, because you never know what can happen. If there are any fears and those documents that are not enough for you, then look for information on the network, read reviews, talk with those who are already using the services of this agency. If you are such busy parents, you will have to somehow get out of this situation, and the nanny is a great option.