Do I need to harden the child

Do I need to harden the child

Hardening is a fairly important process of adapting the body to harsh environmental conditions. We know little about this process, but everyone knows that it is good and useful. Do I need to harden the child and at what age is it best to do? Many parents are trying to find these questions. But in fact, everything is quite simple.

The first thing you need to know about hardening is that this process is gradual and evolutionary. That is, the introduction of the body to the cold should occur gradually, from smaller loads to large. Only in this situation will you achieve a positive result and your child will actually be healthy and more adapted to influence from outside.

Hardening can be started from 4 years, or even before. The most important thing is not to overdo it. First you need to take the child to the balcony early in the morning and late in the evening before going to bed, so that he would slowly get used to changing temperature. Then, you need to proceed to the procedures with a shower, the water temperature of which over time should become more and more cool.

Take the child to the balcony and barefoot, only, again, in the natural order of getting used to new conditions. If you do everything right, then after a couple of months your child will become more active and less susceptible to various diseases, which is the very essence of the process of hardening the human body.