Cool statements about love that hides behind them

Cool statements about love that hides behind them

Love, a feeling of the sought by everyone, the state of the soul, offering a person over the world, how difficult it is to find it and how to easily lose with ignorance of its basic rules. In this article, we will try to reveal some of the features of love, it will be considered from different points of view, both philistine and scientific. We hope that this material will help you, dear readers, to discover the world of this most beautiful feeling for yourself.

All of us, more than once heard funny statements about love, all of them are the creatures of the thoughts of people who have experienced the power of the influence of this feeling. Some of them are filled with glee, others are saturated to the depths, others are tragic and painful. The reason for this difference between opinions from each other is most likely the difference in perception of what is happening by people who wrote or spoke these lines.

Love, from the point of view of an ordinary person who does not consider it as a psychosomatic state, but only trying to understand its essence as a phenomenon, is a certain highest state of mind. Spirit, consciousness, soul, regardless of who and how will call the container of love, being in this state, is really transformed, cool statements are great as evidence of this statement. A person in love, acquires some features that are absent in all other conditions. For example, you can, not being a poet, start writing poetry, you may not have alcohol and many chemicals, if you are in love, you can discover amazing abilities that you have not even suspected before.

Reading funny statements about love, you can see, understand, the influence of this magical feeling on the brain and human consciousness, but only science can explain the cause as such. According to psychologists and physiologists, love is the result of many chemical reactions of occurring in the body in aggregate and independently of each other. A state called love, love or otherwise, there is nothing more than a result of exposure to the receptors of the brain of a number of chemical compounds formed as a result of these chemical reactions.

To understand to the end, the nature of love and how it affects the body, it is not enough to read only a couple of lines, to realize all the strength and uniqueness of this feeling, you need to test it, and only after that, you can safely challenge or agree with one or another statements.

It doesn’t matter who is right, poets or scientists, it is important that both the first and the latter are subject to love the same, as well as you and me.