Caring for someone, about something-distracts the child from the requirements of exclusive attention to himself. The position of the patronizing, the feeling of well -known independence is always new and interesting for the child. However, it is necessary to skillfully use this feeling. Having entrusted, for example, to the child to care for a home dog, it is necessary to explain to him new responsibilities, to suggest what responsibility lies with him for the health, well -being and behavior of the animal.
Permanent duties, of course, have a beneficial effect on children only with skillful leadership by adults, with uniform requirements of all family members. Disagreements between adults will confuse everything in a child. Father, say, taught his daughter to take care of indoor birds, helped distribute the time so that he was enough for anything: on birds, lessons, play, sleep and for a walk. And my grandmother grins: and what kind of girl it is, she will never go for a walk with girlfriends until she serves her birds! Your parrots will wait, nothing will happen to them! Sell this creature, only one fuss with it!
Or one more thing: one of the family members insists on the daily implementation of the child’s care for living creatures, and the other frees it from them. I will do everything myself, go play, childhood should be carefree. And such carelessness, that is, the lack of a habit of taking care of someone, then develops into selfishness.
The character of a child who observes and hears another in his family is different. For example: how can you be calm without feeding the dog?; I did not expect from you that you will not intercede for the butterflies that your friends tear off the wings; You brought a sick kitten? We will have to treat him together; Today it has snow, there is nowhere to find the food for the sparks, let’s go to make them a feeder.