A little about foreign shopping

A little about foreign shopping

Even if your trips abroad are explained exclusively by business goals, you can hardly resist and not to purchase a couple of souvenirs in order to please yourself and loved ones. This rule applies to all people, not only to desperate shopping fans.

Of course, the acquisition of goods in another state cannot be called an inexpensive business. However, you can achieve savings in another state. To do this, you just need to remember what and where it is worth buying.

In many European states, in our time there is a system called Tax Free. Remember that if you see a sign with a similar inscription on a trading pavilion or store, you can safely go inside: this store is participating in the program, which was developed specifically for the country’s guests. The rules of this program say that you are obliged to return the financial resources spent in another state. In other words, some percentage of value added to the goods. In some cases, this percentage reaches

It is extremely important to remember that this system will take place solely if the goods are purchased for the established amount. In some countries, this amount is 25 euros, in some there is much more – for each state, the rule is extremely individually, but part of the money, whatever one may say, you will be able to return it, so this kind of foreign shopping can be called much more profitable. Note that the Tax Free system is irrelevant for the United States of America and Australia.