The change of summer for the winter occurs somehow very quickly. It seems to be autumn, but at first they weaned from summer, then tried to rebuild in the cold, and then winter. If it is difficult for a person to sometimes realize natural changes and physiologically rebuild, then there are no less stress in a delicate skin, a cherished hairstyle. In order not to give a chance to winter the New Year’s mood, and there is the arrival of spring, you should be very attentive to the winter problems of the hair, among which dryness, and brittleness, and dullness. Preservation of beauty is possible! But for this it is necessary to take care of them, nourish them, help recovery, do not subject to shock from the cold and, of course, protect. Frost, snow, wind, cold can be defeated, starting with the study and specific application of some tips. The most banal is the headdress. Ha! – You say, how much I go without him and nothing. Not true that nothing. Dry air in a house or apartment in winter leads to a decrease in moisture in the hair, an increase in their electrification with additional stress in the cold. Therefore, the headdress is a hat, a scarf, a scarf, a hood – one of the means of salvation of your favorite curls from dryness and brittleness. Temperature drop – the next winter blow: the movement of the house – ulits – work creates a clear temperature contrast. In addition, temporarily postpone shocking experiments with hairstyles, minimizing curls and staining, do not create additional stressful situations to your hair, give them the opportunity to relax. Washing your hair should not be hot, but a little even cool water, then to dry them naturally or with a cool hairdryer. Shampoo is better to choose a special one, in winter: it will saturate the hair with moisture, and combing will make it easier. After massage, enhanced blood supply will improve the nutrition of the roots. Cosmetics from your refrigerator and nutrient masks can be made of fruits or vegetables that are at hand. Look into the refrigerator. How many fruits and vegetables, juices and dairy products, so many different masks can be done for your favorite hair. Armed with a homemade nitratomer, first check the composition, for example, dairy products (kefir, sour milk, fermented baked milk, etc.) and, if everything is in order, feel free to proceed to apply a sour -milk mask with restoring, tonic, strengthening properties. The saturating effect of milk proteins has been known for a long time, since the time when the yoke washed their heads. Natural juices are no less useful. If you mix cabbage and peach juices (2 tablespoons each) with honey and cognac (20 g each), distributing the resulting composition along the length of the hair, then put on a cosmetic cap by 2 hours, then strengthening the hair roots is guaranteed. The revision of the refrigerator presented apples, beets, potatoes, parsley? Everything will go into business for masks. Potato masks will strengthen and nourish the hair, giving it shine and silkiness. The apple mixture will save the scalp from itching, and carrot mass will not only strengthen the roots, but also enhance growth, which in winter is important. The beetroot infusion helps to get rid of dandruff, which in winter causes a lot of trouble. Parsley has the same action. But bananas help both dry and oily hair. From any fruit or vegetable you can independently invent a nutrient mask. Even with complete ignorance of mixing various ingredients, get a slurry, you see, it’s easy, and then apply to the hair and hold it for a while. In order not to definitely worry about the result, use the nitrates indicator to test fruits and vegetables. Winter will not be angry for long, and for the beauty of hairstyles you need not sacrifices, but stable help. And then spring will bring a continuous pleasure to you, your beautiful and calmly suffering winter hair, which can be happy to substitute under the spring of the sun. Take care of your hair in winter and do not forget to look into the refrigerator!