Many mothers care about their health and healthy health and try to prepare themselves for childbirth in all ways. However, few people know that troubles can begin after childbirth. For example, the course of postpartum depression can be protracted and last more than a year if you do not try to fight with it.
Postpartum depression can be associated with psychological or biological nature. It is very difficult to deal with psychological depression. At this time, more than ever, a woman needs support for loved ones. Hormonal restructuring, which occurs in the body of a woman who has just given birth, causes many unpleasant moments. The body is subjected to a large load, since in a short time he needs to rebuild from the childish to lactation. Also, a woman has to break her usual life mode and tune in to the baby’s mode.
It goes without saying that this cannot pass without a trace. In order for the lactation to be good, and milk is fat, mother needs to consume food containing a lot of calories, and appetite becomes higher, which leads to weight gain. And this is not at all what mothers dream of. As a rule, a mirror, a centimeter ribbon and scales reduce the mood of the mother and can drive her into depression. At this time, it is very important to prioritize and understand that breast milk is much more important for a baby than a figure, since the figure can be restored later, and the missing milk will not work out.
In order to reduce the likelihood of depression, you need to go to the school of future mothers, where they teach to take care of the child. Upon learning of what awaits her after childbirth and, being ready for this, she will not be nervous, which means depression, most likely, will not begin.
It is also very important not to be nervous with errors of failures. You can talk in advance with those who have already known the joy of motherhood, and find out their secrets that will help to keep up with the baby and conduct economy. These tricks will help to cope with depression and facilitate the first time after childbirth.
Still in an interesting position, you need to walk along playgrounds, at which mothers with children are constantly gathering. Psychologists advise to study how mothers communicate with their children and listen to their advice. This is already life, and not smart books, which, although they will give advice on how to do and what to do, but they will not be able to provide practice.