Most people believe that self -confidence is an innate gift, and it is impossible to educate in itself with the help of training.
However, the history of mankind shows that most of those who are confident today, in childhood, were the most insecure child. Therefore, the very first step towards gaining this quality is education.
The second step, no less important, can be called the ability to be confident. For this there is a lot of techniques and you can use them. Do not forget that the physical condition is closely related to the psychological.
In other words, when a person has a good mood, he smiles more often. But not everyone knows that such a connection can work in the opposite direction, that is, you can cheer up a smile of your mood.
An equally effective way is to try to remember your physiological sensations when you are confident, this will help reproduce and thereby become stronger. When practicing such techniques, you will learn to switch to the necessary at any time.
You must remember that it is more difficult to stay at the top than to rise on it. This applies to self -confidence.
It is necessary to periodically train those skills that will allow you to feel confident, for example, learn how to speak publicly or learn to confront the emotional pressure of other people.