The child climbs the first teeth, what is best to do

The child climbs the first teeth, what is best to do

So the moment came when the baby’s milk teeth begin to change slowly and the indigenous teeth become in their place. This process begins in different ways, for someone by 5 years, someone has to go to, for all children in completely different ways and it is impossible to predict it all. The most important thing is not to leave these processes without your attention and attention of doctors.

By and large, doctors’ intervention in the normal situation is completely not needed. The teeth slowly fall out themselves. They begin to stagger and ultimately fall out. It does not hurt, in the right situation. Do not tear out a tooth ahead of time and take door methods, as it was before. You need to wait for the moment that the tooth is ready to fall off itself. If the child is scared or painful, then he does not need to pull him. A couple more days will pass and he will fall off.

As soon as the child’s teeth begin to change, it is recommended to visit the doctor so that he would examine the oral cavity and said if everything is fine there. If you feel kaik complications, then you should contact the doctor immediately.

The child must be prepared for the process of changing tooths psychologically, explaining to him that this is all a completely normal situation and that there is nothing wrong with that – absolutely everyone goes through this. There are special ointments in order to alleviate pain. And also to stop itching.