French psychologist Henri Vallon is one of the largest modern French psychologists. He was born in Paris in 1879, graduated from Ekol Normal with the title of teacher of philosophy, then received the degree of Doctor of Medicine and Doctor. From 1927 to 1950, Wallon is the director of Ecole Pratique des Hauts -Etudes, one of the outstanding scientific centers of France, which was created by a Pasteur for the development of research in a wider and more independent plan, which allowed the framework of the official science of the Sorbonne. In the same period, Wallon takes the place of a professor of psychology in College de France. – Here his pedagogical work continued until 1941, after which he had to stop it under the pressure of the Vishist government. In addition to research and scientific and organizational work, Vallon is engaged in great socio-political activities. He was a member of the Main Committee (Comiti Directeur) of the National Front during the occupation, and at the time of the liberation of Paris, he became the Secretary General of the Ministry of National Education (which is equivalent to the positions of the minister). He is elected by the delegate of the National Front (1945) and a deputy from Paris at the Constitutional Assembly of 1946. After the death of p. Lanzhaven Vallon replaces him as president of the Commission on Education Reform in France. Wallon – Member of the Communist Party of France. Wallon’s monograph “From action to thought” is one of his capital theoretical research. It is devoted to the problem of the origin of thought or even wider – consciousness. The author explores the question of the conditions and process of transition from the behavior of the external, actually motor to thought, to consciousness.