6 Week of pregnancy

6 Week of pregnancy

What happens at 6 weeks of pregnancy

In the sixth week, the future baby has ruders of handles and legs. Since in the maternal womb a person, as it were, passes the whole process of evolution, he also has several gill arches. The embryo has blood vessels, the heart becomes two -chamber.

At this stage, a very important process takes place – the formation of the spinal cord. In the head, with the help of an ultrasound of the child’s heart, you can not distinguish yet, but you can already distinguish between two bubbles – future hemispheres. Rudiments of the respiratory system appear.

The growth of the embryo is seven -mini steps. By the end of the week it approaches 1.4 cm.

Discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy

Hormonal background affects the discharge, there are more of them. The smell can become even more acidic than before. The normal phenomenon at this time, if they have a white color and even structure, if their character is curdled, this can serve as a signal about the appearance of thrush.

Sensation at 6 weeks

The sixth week of pregnancy can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, fasten, in most women, toxicosis is finally passing by 12 weeks. The weight gain has not yet been noted, due to changes in the hormonal background, dizziness and a decrease in blood pressure are possible. The uterine increased in size begins to press on the bladder, from which frequent urination arises.

Putation at 6 weeks of pregnancy

If you are tormented by nausea, try to eat in small portions, but more often. By the sixth week, vitamins B and E are important for the formation of the fetus, as well as trace elements as phosphorus and calcium. They are rich in dairy and fermented milk products, meat, fish and fresh herbs.